January 2025 Informal Virtual Gathering

Fifteen chapter members came together for an informal virtual gathering led by Program Chair Lisa Sorenson. After brief announcements, we each shared a recent life-related or indexing-related event of importance in our lives, or something neat we’d recently done. Various questions on indexing were discussed, including embedded indexing and working with self-published authors.

Our spring virtual gathering is tentatively planned for April. Stay tuned for more!


Call for Volunteers

The PNW chapter is considering an in-person Fall meeting in 2026. Additional volunteers will be essential for coordinating in-person meetings. We are especially looking for a co-chair.

We are also seeking a co-Webmaster to replace Sam Arnold-Boyd, who will be stepping back from the role. This is an opportunity to get involved with a relatively low time commitment. The website uses a basic version of WordPress. A manual is available to help, as is the other co-Webmaster, Elizabeth Bartmess.

If you are interested in volunteering, you can reach out to Program Chair Lisa Sorenson at sorensonindexing@gmail.com or Chair Elizabeth Bartmess at elizabeth.bartmess@gmail.com.

Mylinh’s GoFundMe

Please consider donating to Mylinh Hamlington’s GoFundMe. Mylinh is a member of the ASI Board, founder of the Indexers of Diversity subgroup, and PNW chapter member. Unfortunately her home in Altadena was burned in the Eaton Fire. She and her family (husband, girls, pets) are all safe, but they’ve lost all their possessions save for a few changes of clothes, their computers, and cars.