May 2024 Informal Virtual Gathering Recap

Eleven PNW members gathered virtually on May 11, 2024, for an informal meeting led by Program Chair Lisa Sorenson. Attendees continued the process of getting to know each other with the “rose/thorn/seed” format for sharing, with Lisa calling on each member to talk briefly about aspects of their life.

This sharing led directly into many indexing-related discussions. Topics included the transition of Cindex to open source, different approaches to backing up indexing files, and issues related to billing. These billing issues touched on charging for revisions and computing rates per page versus per word count.

The meeting provided an excellent way for new indexers to become acquainted with veteran indexers. The discussion seemed enjoyable and enriching to all. The next informal meeting will be in August of 2024 and will be announced on the PNW listserv and website.